The Questions for this episode:
“Is schizophrenia multiple personality disorder?” Schizophrenia: Schizophrenia is a chronic and severe mental disorder that affects how a person thinks, feels, and behaves. People with schizophrenia may seem like they have lost touch with reality. Although schizophrenia is not as common as other mental disorders, the symptoms can be very disabling. Dissociative identity disorder: Formerly known as multiple personality disorder, this disorder is characterized by alternating between multiple identities. A person may feel like one or more voices are trying to take control in their head. Often these identities may have unique names, characteristics, mannerisms and voices. People with DID will experience gaps in memory of every day events, personal information and trauma. Women are more likely to be diagnosed, as they more frequently present with acute dissociative symptoms. Men are more likely to deny symptoms and trauma histories, and commonly exhibit more violent behavior, rather than amnesia or fugue states. This can lead to elevated false negative diagnosis. “What is Schizoaffective Disorder?” Schizoaffective disorder is a chronic mental health condition characterized primarily by symptoms of schizophrenia, such as hallucinations or delusions, and symptoms of a mood disorder, such as mania and depression. Music used in this episode is the song Teamwork by Scott Holmes from the Free Music Archive. CIT ECHO Session on Human Psychopathology Around Ingestions Nancy Martin, MD presents on the psychopathy of ingestions. Dr. Martin breaks down what people ingest and some of the reasons behind it. This was a presentation on 12/19/17 and you can see more here. If you would like to join the CIT ECHO please email Jennifer Earheart or check it out online here. Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook or Twitter. If you are enjoying these episodes that means someone else might as well so please share them with others and let us know you are enjoying them, leave a review on Apple Podcasts! Contact Us Don’t forget to contact us to be on the podcast at [email protected] or call us at 505-333-8128.
8/30/2022 03:42:20 am
Alternating between various identities is a defining feature of this illness so, it would be so hard to overcome as time goes by.
1/15/2025 04:41:48 am
Comprehensive treatment options in Los Angeles to address and manage symptoms of depression, fostering long-term mental health.
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